I was 15. Had completed my matriculation with flying colours and for the first time in my life was made to attend tuitions - for Maths, Physics and Chemistry. While the P & C Sirs were ok, the M one wasn't. He was feeling me all over and one day it crossed a threshold, resulting in me complaining to my parents. My sister was awed by my courage - she had also been facing this from him, but couldn't muster up the courage to tell our parents. Well, I was sent to a different class after that, but what was even worse was my mother saying "don't behave/dress properly and then complain that he did that and this" in a completely different context months later. That is weird patriarchy, wouldn't you say - mother to daughter with no man involved? Good for me that my dad never mentioned it ever again, and I didn't have too much respect for my mom. So here I am on the verge of 50, and was able to laugh about the episode when it was recalled to me recently.
While I don't believe that any girl can grow up without at least a few such episodes, I do believe that these can impact some severely and scar them for life. Given that the UN predicts we have about 3 centuries to attain gender equality - if the same pace continues that is without any deterioration like what happened during the Covid time - girls have to develop coping mechanisms as an integral part of their survival kit for life. Good Luck!